Friday, June 11, 2010

The Game (1997)

Throw two Oscar winners in a pot, mix in one of the greatest directors of the last 15 years, and poof, brilliance. "Fight Club," "Seven," and "Benjamin Button." Just a few of the works that director, David Fincher, can claim as his own. "The Game" comes as close to a masterpiece as you can get, without quite being there. Few actors can carry a film as well as Michael Douglas has shown he can throughout his career. In this thriller, we get a taste of life, and value. Throughout film we follow, Nicholas Van Orton (Douglas), around for a few days. He is Wall Street millionaire, who seemingly has it all. But as the film develops, we see that he is lacking the things in life that really provide happiness. Nicholas is payed a visit on his 48th birthday by his younger brother, Conrad (Sean Penn). Conrad informs and encourages Nicholas to call a recreational service, CRS. Nicholas eventually does, and finds out that he is to participate in some type of "game." What exactly it is? He doesn't know; and neither do we. Peculiar things start to happen to Nicholas, and as things unfold, they get stranger and stranger. It get to a point, where Nicholas can seemingly no longer trust anyone. Is this even a game anymore? or is it a scam? I'd like to write more, but I would rather you just indulge yourself in the film, and figure things out for yourself. Fincher toys with our minds yet again, in this fantastic film. We are intrigued, but we (like Nicholas) just want to know, what in the world is going on? Fincher makes us feel like we are a part of what is happening, by confusing us, just as much as CRS confuses Nicholas. All in all, the film gives us great depth, and makes us ask the question, am I really happy with my life? I believe Mr. Fincher hit the nail on the head with this one. Great work sir. This is why we keep coming back to you, for more and more! 9/10

-Travis Stauffer

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